Our History

Bradford Teaching Hospitals has provided the very best specialist care to sick patients for many decades.

Fundraisers hit their target for a new MRI machine in 2008.
Fundraisers hit their target for a new MRI machine in 2008.

Our city has a proud history of philanthropic giving, which has made it possible for our hospitals to provide the high standard of care we receive.

Thanks to supporters, volunteers and partners like you, we’ve made astonishing progress since Bradford Royal Infirmary was built in 1936.

From raising money for a new incubator for premature babies in 1989, a state-of-the-art MRI machine in 2008, to providing £260,000 towards the BRI’s new hospital wing in 2017, our charity has consistently made a positive difference to the experience of patients in our hospitals. Our charity exists because our patients and community want to say thank you.